created by Justin Spadea <jzs @ mail . rit . edu>

Visit the project page

02.20.03 - New version released (that was actually written 2 weeks ago but i was too busy to release it) with a new feature - download
01.27.03 - window XP screenshots of the latest version (1.2.0) are available
01.22.03 - version 1.2.0 is released. lots of new theme options, and a new theme itself. small UI change too. download
01.14.03 - new release - mainly a UI enhancement and a bugfix for win32. As always, get the source here or the win32 install build here
01.11.03 - some screenshots are now available. Should have a small update sometime next week
01.08.03 - released latest version that is now entirely GUI and fully implemented in windows! check it out or try the win32 version
12.30.02 - made some tweaks and released a beta win32 port. It's console based and I have a more "windows like" version coming, but it's not done yet.
12.26.02 - got bored so i converted the code to object oriented. couple small fixes too, but no feature additions (yet)
12.23.02 - no i'm not dead - version 0.1.3 released with many changes!
11.21.02 - Project approved by - version 0.1.2 released
11.15.02 - Version 0.1.1 released
11.13.02 - Project launched - version 0.1.0 released

Releases pre-sourceforge:

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What is Playlist2HTML?
Playlist2HTML is a command-line utility that converts an m3u playlist file (generated with XMMS, WinAmp, or some other music player) into an HTML document you can place on your website. It includes different themes, so you can choose how you want it to look.

What language is it written in?
I used C++

How do I get it?
Go to the sourceforge project page and download the latest version.

Okay...but how do I compile it?
First decompress it with the following command:
     tar xvzf playlist2html-x.x.tar.gz
substituting x.x with the version. Then read the README included for instructions.

It's compiled and installed - now what?
Well if you don't have a *.m3u file, open up your music player and have it save your playlist. It's all explained in the README, but the basic usage is:
     playlist2html -f playlist.m3u

Update: to run the GUI version (1.0.0+), simply type `playlist2html &'

How do I make a theme?
Read the THEMES document included with the source tarball.

I created a theme for this - will you include it with your release?
Sure! Email it to jzs AT mail DOT rit DOT edu. If it includes images, make sure to tar/zip it all up as 1 file.

I specified a theme but it mentioned something about copying images - what's this mean?
The HTML file generated requires certain images that were installed to /usr/share/playlist2html/, so you must make sure they are on your server with the html file.

Ex: you use the Aqua theme, then you copy the playlist.html to Then you must copy the directory /usr/local/share/playlist2html/themes/Aqua/ to the server, so that exists.

I have an idea for the program
Once again, email me. Don't take offense if I feel the feature isn't (a) important to the program or (b) worth writing.

How come you don't include RPMs?
Honestly, I prefer compiling from source - that way you know it's going to work right, and you'll have the most updated version. Besides, this is a very small program, and compiling should have no problems at all (I provide a Makefile and instructions with the source).

I did everything you said but it's not working right!
Email me. Explain what you're doing and what's going wrong. If it won't compile, incude which compiler you're using (along with your architecture).

Why is this website so ugly?
Because I'm far too busy to make a decent looking one.